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Gauntlet Legends Mods

Gauntlet Legends Marquee Mod

Gaming Play Score: 9.9

The Gauntlet Legends Marquee with the 4 main characters is already looking pretty cool. When we closer examined the image, we noticed 2 points: The first point is that the picture looks very static meaning that it doesn´t have any 3D effects and the second point is that there are lots of small white boxes in the upper area, which do not fit very well into the overall concept. That was the reason why we disassembled the whole topper and examined the marquee and the whole illumination: The marquee gets illuminated via a light tube, which produces a cold-white light, which makes the marquee very bright. So our mission was to pimp that area a little bit up.


My first idea was to have 2 lamps with an flair effect on the right and left side behind the marquee just as what you see from the title screen. Domino took over that idea and was searching for some stuff which could realize that idea. At that time, he had the arcade machine in his living room for other tests, and after 2 weeks in the evening, he presented his idea, which just kicked me out of my shoes. He turned off the light in the room, turned on the arcade machine but the marquee was not illuminated. Then he took a small radio-frequency-based remote control and pushed a button...and...WOW...


He completely removed the light pipe and replaced it with a RGB-LED stripe, which includes over 100 effects. What he created was much more than I expected and with that mod, he realized the following:


  1. The marquee has now a 3D effect, which looks just awesome!

  2. The white small boxes will barely be seen

  3. With over 100 effects, the marquee can appear in different colors which also changes a little bit the image


Technically, this mod has the following advanatges:


  1. The LED stripe has the perfect length and fits perfectly into the cabinet, so no screws will be needed. The stripe will simply be placed into the box and that´s it.

  2. The LED controller can produce over 100 effects

  3. The LED controller will be controlled via a small radio link remote control box and NOT via infrared, meaning that the controller can be positioned ANYWHERE into the cabinet

  4. The following options are available with the radio link box:

    • Turning the LED stripe on or off

    • Changing colors

    • Changing effecs

    • Changing the speed of the effect

    • The selected effect will be stored even when the machine gets turned off

  5. It is a complete Plug´n´Play system


The plug´n´play Gauntlet legends marquee mod consists of the following parts:


1x RGB LED Stripe

1x Controller Box

1x Remote Control

1x Wiring


Installation time: ca. 10 minutes

André Banderas

Gauntlet Legends Audio Kit

Gaming Play Score: 9.9

In our opinion, Gauntlet Legends has really awesome music and sound effects, which just perfectly fit into the game ! Every level has it´s own stereo track and contributes so good to the corresponding theme of each level. But on the other hand, Atari implemented just mid-quality speakers into the arcade machine without using a 2.1 sound system. Because we wanted to get the best out of my child dream machine, I asked Domino if he could pimp-up the sound and a new project was born :-)


Dominik removed the old speakers, examined the technical details and noticed that they resemble the original WPC95 speakers. We already did a lot of research for the pinball machines regarding speakers and we created the "Cactus Canyon Audio kit" and "Cactus Canyon Audio Upgrade Kit". So why not using a system which is already 100% tested? We did our first tests and installed the 2 front speakers, but that was not so easy since the dimensions of the audio kit front speakers where bigger than the orignial ones. So Dominik had to build a new plastic speaker holder and then installed them into the machine. In contrast to the old ones, where the sound was like played in a can, we now have a clear and voluminous sound, which is just great!


We played some games with that configuration, but after some time, we had again a discussion about the speakers and we thought to give the music another kick. So we drilled a 10 cm whole into the soil and placed a bass speaker onto it. Attached to the now 2.1 sound system was our audio kit control panel, where we can control the overal volume as well as the intensity of the bass. We took the sound right from the Vegas 777 I/O board and used the already existing audio pins.


Next tests followed and what can I say : YYYiihhaaa !! When monsters arrive like the big golem, the whole floor in our gaming room is vibrating as well as when you kill enemies ! It really makes such a big difference and we finally found the best sound configuration for that great machine !


The Gauntlet Legends Audio Kit consists of the following components:


2x Front speakers

2x Wooden front speaker holders

1x Bass speaker

4x screws

1x Audio Kit

1x wiring


Installation time: ca. 20 minutes

André Banderas

Atari Vegas 777 SnapHat Battery Mod

Gaming Play Score: 9.2

Atari and lately Midway used for their PCBs a so called "Snaphat" battery, which had the advantage that it does not only include a battery but also the quartz for the time so there was no need to additionally place a quartz on the board itself anymore. The big disadvantage is that these batteries are not produced anymore. A search on the internet reveals still some dealers selling these batteries, but having a look at the production date tells us that these batteries will not live a long time, simply because these batteries gets exhausted. So I faced our technician Dominik with these facts and he solved the problem by taking an empty snaphat battery, put away the first part of the snaphat to take away the integrated battery, carefully soldered a CR2032 plastic holder on it and finally put a new CR2032 battery on it...what a great job ! Now we have the following advantages:


  1. The CR2032 battery can easily be replaced by a new one.

  2. In contrast to SnapHat batteries, which have a capacity of 48 mAh (M4T28) or 120 mAh (M4T32), the CR2032 has a capacity of 225 mAh or 190 mAh (Reference) which means that we have a longer lifetime.

  3. CR2032 batteries are cheaper.


Problem solved and we finally have a solution which will last for the future ! :-)


The Plug´n´Play SnapHat Battery Mod consists of the following components:


1x moded SnapHat battery with a CR2032 holder

1x new CR2032 battery



Installation time: ca. 1 minute

André Banderas

Gauntlet Legends High Resolution Mod

Gaming Play Score: 9.9

As you might have seen in my other presentation videos, I LOVE Gauntlet Legends ! :-) So it was for us a must to further enhance the gameplay experience. We started to implement a 2.1 Sound system which is just a blast and now we further enhanced the GamePlay by taking care of the resolution. This mod consists of 2 parts:


First we replaced the original monitor, which had the following disadvantages:


  1. The monitor supports only medium resolution

  2. The monitor has only a 27 inch size


The new monitor is from CMC and has the following specifications:


  1. The monitor supports resolutions up to 800x600

  2. The monitor has a size of 29 inch 


Dominik from the PMG technical department did the complete planning and conversion which took a lot of time. One big  challenge was to create a monitor frame which can be used to install the bigger monitor into the cabinet. This complete process took around 3 months. 


After the conversion, I was searching for some CGA/EGA/VGA upscalers to be used for our other arcade machines, but then Dominik had the idea to also use this upscaler for the Gauntlet Legends since the CMC monitor supports a 800x600 resolution, so a new idea was born which ended into a fantastic and absolutely clear image.


So we strongly recommend to do the same conversion to get the best out of the game !


The Plug´n´Play High Resolution mod consists of the following components:


1x CMC multimedia monitor

2x VGA cables

1x custom monitor frame

1x GBS8200 Arcade Game RGB/CGA/EGA/YUV to  VGA HD Video Konverter Module

4x Screws to fix the upscaler in the cabinet



Installation time: ca. 1 hour

André Banderas

Gauntlet Legends Audio Kit
Gauntlet High Resolution Mod
Atari Vegas 777 SnapHat Battery Mod

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