Pinball Modding Group
Beaming your Pinball to another dimension
YES ! We are very proud to now officially announce our second "Cactus Canyon Extended" - EXCLUSIVE mode for that lovely pinball called "Rescue the Train" or shortened RtT. In contrast to the recoded "Franks´N´Beans" mode, RtT is a completely new idea and was never in any way implemented in the CCC software. That mode was a big challenge for me because I had to deal with lots of different components, sound-, and music files, modes and so on, but I think the result is just fabulous ! So here is the whole story and a description of the mode.
Members should visit the internal RtT homepage for a complete description with homepage music, pictures, videos and lots of background information since this is just the short version.
Completely new mode
Includes 4 challenges
7 new music tracks
7 new sound effects
New DMD animations
New lampshows
Extra road map for the mode (not required)
Extra mod-kit to support the mode (not required)
When we develop a mode, we are always trying to create a very intensive atmosphere with all available resources...and we are using really ALL resources which we can get. This means in detail : We will provide an extra mod-kit which will be placed on the playfield and indicates, additionally via LEDs, that the mode has been activated and can be played. This mod will be controlled via the CCEE software and cannot be used in any other code. Important : The mode is fully playable without this gadget. It just supports the mode and creates a much better atmosphere.
Another feature in the list is "Extra road map for the mode", which can be used to see, through which areas the player has to go and increases even more the feeling for the mode. This is just a gimmick and is surely not needed for being able to finish the mode...but it’s just so cool !! :-)
The difficulty can be set via the service menu. The options for that are NORMAL and EASY. When you choose EASY, a ball saver will be activated at the beginning of each stage.

Rescue the Train (RtT) - Public
The Story

In a hot and tepid summer night, Mr. Cheetum, the Major of Cactus Canyon, is coming at your table in the saloon and starts to talk…“Stranger, we have a big problem and I need your help ! As you maybe know, we have a rail connection between Cactus Canyon and our partner town called Desert Canyon. Over the last while, the trains never made it to our railway station anymore and they were just lost. I sent out my best deputies for investigation, but they never arrived back home. I want you to ride to Desert Canyon and convoy the train on its way back to our town. Your help will highly be appreciated and a big reward is waiting for you when you succeed in bringing safely back the train. Will you take on business ?”. After some discussions and the fact, that your pockets were completely empty, you finally agreed and Major Cheetum left the saloon...
A strange, old and drunken guy sitting on another table heard the discussion and gave you a sign to come to him. That was Frank, the prospector of that region, and he started to talk with his deep and dark voice…“Stranger ! SSSSttrrrraannggger….that mission is a good ticket to hell…you really can´t be serious to do that job and I feel to tell you something about the route ! What do you think why so many good fellows are lost and have never been seen ? This whole area is ruled by bad vultures, just waiting to get something to eat...Ohhh..good…but let’s see…”. He took out a yellowed and shredded map of this area, spread it out on the table and started to mumble…

“There are three big dangerous traps on your way to Cactus Canyon. My cousin Francy has a farm in the western area and he is living in “One horse town”. That dam greenhorn knows this place like no other one does and he told me that this place here called “Longhorn Crossing” is full of crazy cows and cattle. Big and brutal stampedes are fully normal ! When the train is getting into that kind of stampede…oohh boy…better be not there !! The train will be crashed and going on will not be possible anymore...believe me...and that would not be the first train...
The area in the north is controlled by an ugly gang called “Bart Brothers”. Money and gold is their only interest and they will do everything to rob people out. Lots of mail coaches were robed and people just disappeared. So your chance to get into a trap is around…let me think…245%, so I can give you just one hint : Always have your colt at hand and fully loaded…these guys don´t make jokes and are very serious… hope you better check the sight of your weapon before coming into that region…

The last barrier could be in the gold mine, located in the north-eastern region since the train has to pass through the mountain. The normal way is blocked and had been destroyed by some crazy guys. Robchop, an old friend of mine, is also a prospector in that region and he told me that very often, the ways in the mountain are blocked by huge stones…and if you will stay too long in the mountain, your air to breath will run out very fast and….better don’t think to the end…So now you know what kinda job you have...hehehe..."
First you have to enable the mode by rescuing one time Miss Polly via the center ramp. This will activate the RtT mode. Now, when you hit again 2 times the center ramp, the Train ToyMod on the right side of the center ramp will start to flash, indicating that the next shot into the same ramp will start the mode. You can click on the image for a bigger view.
Shooting the third time into the ramp will start the mode (instead of again Polly Peril) and the following DMD will be presented :
After the intro screen, the train toy AND a DMD train will start, a nice music will be played and the journey can begin...:-)
While the train is running, you can hunt for points by trying to get a booster for your train ! With every hit on any ramp, you will receive a booster, which will speed-up the train and will be used at the end of the mode as a multiplier ! The shot will also be honored with a nice DMD animation, where you see the following picture running from right to left :
The Rank-Lamps will be used to indicate how many boosters you have : If the first rank lamp is lit (Stranger), you have one booster collected and so on...your real rank will surely be restored when the mode is over...:-)
So this is your big chance to hunt for big points ! Every ramp will have its own railroad crossing sound, which just fits perfectly into the overall game play and a flasher show will be started. But be carefull ! If you are too greedy and you don´t pay attention, the ball might drain, which means : the mode is over and the collected boosters are away ! So it´s a tough and strategic decision you have to make. The screen is always informing you about the points, the stage number and the train boosters you have collected :
Another way to get extra points is to shoot at the quickdraw targets on the left-, and right side of the playfield. When shooting, a nice "Train passing" sound effect will be played. With the Audio kit installed, the sound will be played on the corresponding speaker side. We implemented 3 different sound files for more action ! :-)
The "Train Passing" targets
After a certain amount of time, the DMD will change and you see the train from the side, running from the right into the screen and breaks in the middle of the DMD with a nice sound effect, but why ??
Starting the mode

Boost Counters