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CCEE 14.2 - Full Feature List

  • Cactus Canyon Extended Edition Users should check out the much more detailed list of features on the internal site.​

CvA Strobe Kit

CCEE has full support for the CvA strobe mode kit, which means that the additional strobe flasher will be controlled via the software code. You can also dynamically enable/disable it in the settings menu.

Shaker Kit

CCEE has full support for the Cactus Canyon shaker kit, so the code will control at what times the shaker will be activated, which just perfectly fits into the whole game play. You can activate/deactivate this feature and even set the shaker strength in the settings menu.

Audio Kit

CCEE has full support for the audio kit, which replaces the A/V board. Additionally all sound files are converted into stereo, where lots of sound files have been edited for a 3D effect. SFX sounds will now be directed into the correct speaker, e.g. right slingshot hit -> right speaker comes the sound effect. Tumbleweed sound starts from the left box and will be passed over the right box and so on.

RtT Train Mod Kit

CCEE has full support for the "Rescue the Train" (RtT) Train Kit

Introduction Animation

When a game will be started, a very nice animation will first be shown and after that, the game will be started.

Enhanced Service Menu

Handling the service menue is now easier and more logical.

Cactus Canyon Game Selection Menu

By default, when you start a game, a new screen will appear where you can choose the gaming mode.

New Mode : "Rescue the Train" (RtT)

RtT is a completely new mode and can be seen as the "Mother of all modes" : A special challenge, divided in 4 different stages with lots of new music, sound effects and animations, paired with an extra Mod and a treasure map makes this mode unique.

Changed "Franks & Beans" gimmick to a real mode

The idea of that "feature" is nice but just senseless because there is no real relation to the game and no challenge. Just hit every switch to hear this fart sound for 30 seconds and that´s it.


So we completely reprogrammed that "gimmick" and created a real mode with new background music, lots of animations and funny sounds  ! Now you have to CHALLENGE Frank and beat him in a given time ! That mode nicely fits into the whole gameplay and makes lots of fun.

New Drunk Multiball Difficulty Level

Originally this mode had no difficulty level at all, but then I had a new idea for this nice feature and created the HARD mode, which is much more challenging and makes much more fun...especially when more persons are playing ! Because of this extra task in the game, the scoring was changed to 1.5. The default setting is NORMAL and it´s up to you to change that to really challenge Frank !! :-)

New DMD Animations for the Drunk Multiball - Hard Mode

We implemented a nice DMD animation which additionally supports the Hard mode.

New music in Bank Robbery mode

CCC is using the same music file for River Rescue and Bank robbery mode, but since these modes are completely different, I also wanted to implement a different sound, which is included in the CCEE software and will raise your adrenaline level.

Extra ball support in CvA Mode

A CCEE user told me about the Extra Ball Strobe Mode in the pinball "Attack from Mars", which was implemented in CCC. He said that when you hit 10 times the target, then you will get an extra ball and he asked me to also implement that into the CCEE code, which I did. This gives you new strategic opportunities : Should you go for points or better for the extra ball ? :-) Via the service menu, you can activate or deactivate that feature and also specify after how many alien hits you should get the extra ball.

Enhanced Tribute Selection mode

Made a change to the handling of the tribute mode selection routine.

Enhanced CvA Mode

Added a new effect into the mode.

Enhanced Match Mode

Added new effects for that mode, which makes it funnier.

New configuration options for Polly modes

Added some new settings in the service menu

Attract Music

CCC has no real attract music and I felt that it should have some. On my research, I found 2 great files and I loved them both. Because I couldn´t decide for one, I just took both and always when you restart the software, the system will swap the files !

Background music for Marshal Multiball

The marshal multiball mode has a real background music.

Difficulty Templates

I implemented 2 difficulty templates : Normal (Default) and Hard. So when you think the pinball is too easy, there is no need to manually change every setting in the service menu...just change to the hard template and all settings are already set ! You can also easily change the settings back to normal mode.

Bozo Ball Deactivation

That was a requested feature of a CC Gaming Station owner. Bozo ball means that when your playing time of the first and second ball is below under 2 minutes, then you can get an extra ball when the ball exits via the outlanes. Especially in a tournament is that mode unfair, but CCEE supports the deactivation via the Game feature menu.


Eric implemented that idea into his code on 22th August 2013.

Extra ball support (Points)

That was always a mystery why Cactus Canyon Continued has no extra ball support at all and I asked Eric for the reason. The answer was that the pinball is already very easy so that this feature would not fit into his code. I do not share this opinion, especially when using the HARD difficulty template in the CCE edition and this is the reason why we added extra ball support which can be configured in the settings menu.


Eric finally implemented that idea into his code on 16th August 2013.

Train whistle blow

My idea was that always when the train starts, you should hear the train whistle sound. Eric felt that always starting the sound would be too much and only let the sound play at the beginning of the mode. After a poll between CCE Gaming Station users, everybody wanted to have that change, which is now implemented in the CCEE software.

Enhanced Skillshot mode

We removed some flaws we found in that mode.

Less bugs in CCEE than in CCC

On my review of the CCC software, I found several bugs, which will let the pinball crash or lead to strange behaviors. Especially in the latest version are some serious bugs. All these bugs have been removed and CCEE users can enjoy a fully woking software code.

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