Pinball Modding Group
Beaming your Pinball to another dimension

Cactus Canyon Big-O-Beam Panel Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.9
Having a bigger panel for a pinball is always a nice feature if it does not occupy too much of the translite drawing and today's modern pinballs are all built with these kind of panels, so our goal was also to have a panel which perfectly fits into the game play of Cactus Canyon. For this project, we have set the following criteria:
It must perfectly fit into the game play
It must be able to hold a bigger display
It must be Plug´n´Play
After a long search around all available pinballs, Dominik took the chance to buy one of the last official DataEast pinballs named Maverick since we had a good impression of the images we saw on the internet. When the pinball arrived and we examined the panel, we finally found the perfect panel for Cactus Canyon because nearly ALL criteria have been fulfilled:
The panel technically nearly fits into the Cactus Canyon. We only had to slightly modify the white translite plastic
The picture with the US Marshall picture on the left speaker grill is also included on the play field and in the game play
The picture with the "Ace of Spades" picture on the right speaker grill is also included on the play field and also included in the game play. That is the trick shot quest.
The robe around the display is nearly everywhere on the play field and is also included in the game play, e.g. the skill shot or the super skill shot.
The display is also extensible, where you can add your own images on the monitor on the upper and lower side or you can also run a movie ect. There are so many possibilities since the mod is fully customizable.
The Plug´n´Play "Cactus Canyon Big-O-Beam Panel Mod" consists of the following components:
1x Cactus Canyon Big-O-Beam Panel
1x Audio Upgrade Kit
1x 17 inch TFT monitor
1x wiring
Installation time : 15 minutes
André Banderas