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Cactus Canyon  Audio Flasher Kit

Gaming Play Score: 9.3

The "Audio Flasher Kit" is an add-on to the "Audio Upgrade Kit" and adds an awesome flasher effect to the speaker grills. To have the best effect, we modified professionally created black plastic adapter plates to hold our "Audio Upgrade Kit" speaker set. In these adapters, we then installed a LED flasher ring, which perfectly fits into the ring. To even enhance this "shooting" effect, we installed in front of the speaker, but behind the grill, a "bullet hole template", which will only be seen when the flashers are running. We used some special material for that dummy so that it will not change the sound of the speakers. The cables of each flasher ring will then be connected to the Power Driver Board (PDB). To even more enhance the effect, we replaced the original flashers under each gun with a much more stronger LED flasher. Each speaker-flasher is connected to the opposite LED-gun-flasher so that you get the impression, that the right gun flasher will shoot into the left speaker and vice versa, which creates just an awesome effect.


The Cactus Canyon Extended Edition "Audio Flasher Kit" consists of the following components :


2x Flasher Rings

2x Bullet Hole Template

2x speaker plate adapter 

2x LED Flashers

1x Wiring


Installation time : 20 minutes

André Banderas

Cactus Canyon  "Rescue the Train" (RtT) Mod

Gaming Play Score: 9.3

The main main purpose of the RtT mod is to give the player a hint to shoot the center ramp. For example, it could be used to indicate that the mode "Save Polly - Attached to the Tracks" or the "Rescue the Train", which is a "Cactus Canyon Extended Edition" (CCEE) - only mode, will be started when you shoot up the center ramp. Especially in CCEE is that toy very useful because the 2 LEDs in the train will be controlled by the software, meaning that in different situations, the flashing will be changed. Additionally, it will hide the ugly switch in front of the saloon gate.



Features :


  • 1x train

  • 1x yellow LED in front of the train

  • 1x steam plastic

  • 1x LED in the steam plastic

  • 1x rail road

  • 1x tender

  • 1x treasure map

  • 1x USB Stick in a train design for fast code update

  • Complete Plug´n´Play



Installation time : ca. 15 minutes

André Banderas

Cactus Canyon  Sunrise Mod

Gaming Play Score: 9.5

We have never created a mod for the Translite and our goal was to change that, so we examined the Translite in detail and focused on the middle section with the sun and the clouds around. This scene reminded us to the old western movies, where cowboys are riding into the sun. We wanted to "catch" that situation and support it as much as possible. Domino, our Hardware technician, got the task to develop a mod exactly for this situation and after some weeks, the first prototype was ready for testing. We are using red and yellow LED stripes, which are connected to an LED controller. The testing phase was long till we found our final configuration because we had to consider lots of points like:


  1. The amount of stripes

  2. The amount of LEDs

  3. The time interval for the stripes

  4. The colors to be used

  5. The correct LED controller


After another week of testing and modification, we got the final setup and are very happy with the result: In a predefined interval, the area around the sun is turning into a red sundown scenario  and after some seconds, again back into a sunrise scenario. To better support the mod, we also replaced the regular illumination of the Translite with LEDs, which are connected to the Power Driver Board (PDB). This modification serves 4 purposes:


  1. LEDs consume less power and live much longer than normal lamps

  2. The "spotty" illumination does not exist anymore and the whole translite is illumintaed equally

  3. It makes the complete area brighter and produces a pseudo 3D effect for the writing "Cactus Canyon"

  4. We have the possibility to fully control the lights via the "Cactus Canyon Extended Edition" (CCEE) software. For example, when then Gold Mine Multiball animation is running, CCEE will turn off the Translite illumination so that the player can better see the animation and the playfield light show. There are also other situations where we are using this feature in the game like in Gunfight mode.


Sorry for the quality of the video, but it is really very difficult in the dark to create a video which will show you this great effect. In reality, it looks much more nicer, so please have a look at the pictures in the news section.


The Cactus Canyon Sunrise Mod consists of the following parts:


1x Set of LED stripes

1x set of LED striped for the G.I. (optional)

1x LED controller

1x remote control

1x wiring



Installation time: around 45 minutes

André Banderas

Cactus Canyon  Settings and Reference Guide

Gaming Play Score: 9.3

The Cactus Canyon software is getting more and more complicated and it could be very hard to still keep an overview of all the modes, features, settings and so on, so I decided long time ago to write a complete compendium, which describes the whole software in detail, and this was the birth of the "Cactus Canyon Settings and Reference Guide". After around 100 hours of work, fine tuning and endless reviews of the document, the guide is finished and could be seen as the "bible" of the complete system. 


Since Cactus Canyon Extended Edition (CCEE) is based on Eric Priepkes Cactus Canyon Continued (CCC) code, this compendium can be used by either code users, where CCEE-exclusive parts are always labeled as "(CCEE)". 



Features :


  • All Machine settings

  • All Gameplay settings

  • All Selection modes

  • All Standard modes

  • All Special modes

  • Tips & Tricks from the field

  • Description of all Easter Eggs

  • Includes ca. 200 pictures

  • Consists of over 130 pages

André Banderas



Cactus Canyon RtT Mod
CC Sunrise Mod
CC Reference Guide

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