Pinball Modding Group
Beaming your Pinball to another dimension

Monster Bash Dracula Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
The Dracula Mod is one of my favorite mods for the Monster Bash because it consists of several components, not just only one. It includes also mods for the Dracula area, which gives you a much more deeper playing experience ! Ok, but what kind of mods I am talking about ? So let´s have a look at these elements :
1. Dracula has glowing red eyes, which will automatically be activated when he is leaving his coffin and will also be deactivated when returning back into his coffin. This illumination is a masterpiece of Domino because he used 1mm fiber cables for the eyes, which are connected to two leds in the back head of Dracula. Because of that, you will even not recognize that the eyes are glowing when they are off.
2. Dracula has his own bat on the left shoulder ! Every time Dracula is moving or you hit him, the bat will "fly" around ! Just cool ! :-)
3. We installed a second flasher behind the coffin for more action when Dracula is coming out
4. The red star post is illuminated and will start to flicker for the Dracula scene
5. Here you can also see the Draclane mod, which I will describe in the next section
The Dracula Mod consists of the following parts :
1x Dracula with red fiber-ray led eyes
1x bat
1x switch
1x flasher
1x flasher plug
1x lighted star post
Installation Time : 15 minutes
André Banderas
Monster Bash Drac Lane Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
This lane is dedicated to Dracula and will be used in the mode called "Drac Attack". Dracula is coming out of his coffin from the right side and will then move along this lane to random positions. By default, there are no special effects on the lane and we wanted to pump that mode a little bit up.
So we started to have a deeper look at that lane...from the top and from the bottom and had the idea to use some leds under the playfield, which will illuminate the drac lane from the bottom to the top. Searching on the internet, Domino found a led stripe, which fulfills our needs : that special stripe will be fixed under the playfield along the draclane, where the leds will shine upwards in burning red colors ! After some electronical tests, the mod was finished : Always when Dracula is coming out of his coffin, the Drac Lane will automatically be illuminated with firing red leds and when the mode is over and dracula is back in his coffin, the lights will be turned off.
This kit consists of the following parts :
1x led stripe with red leds
6x screws to fix the stripe/bracket
1x switch/bracket
1x cable
Installation Time : 10 minutes
André Banderas
Monster Bash Frankenstein Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
The next figure in our modding program is surely Frankenstein, which is - besides Dracula - also a very attractive figure in the game and has the longest introduction animation, which is just great. So it was clear for us to also give this figure more "live" and again Domino used his 1 mm fiber cable technique to glow his eyes, which took him hours and hours to finally realize that. That was a "bastard" ! :-) I have to say that from all pinball figures, the Frankenstein is the best one to illuminate the eyes because it fits so terrific to that theme...he will get alive and in the same time, his eyes will start to glow...just perfect...
The kit consists of :
1x Frankenstein Figure with green eyes
1x switch
Installation time : Around 15 minutes
André Banderas
Monster Bash Plasma Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
The Plasma mod is a well-known mod for flippers like Circus Voltaire. I like that effect a lot and for me, the best pinball to use that mod is surely the Monster Bash. Just have a look to the left corner of the pinball, where you look into the laboratory of the professor...you even see 2 rods and in the middle is a blue flash...cool...and I wanted to give that place some more actions, so I was looking for plasma glasses, but it was very hard to get a good one and also one with the size I needed. After searching around for some weeks, I found a good and importantly BIG one for the pinball. I see some people installing the small one in front on the back plastic, which is not a good place because it will hide the nice scenario in the background. So my idea was to position the plasma glass behind the plastic and I checked that out....not a lot of place...
I called Ronny McGyver and showed him what I wanted to have. After some measurements and thinking about constructions, he created a good bracket for the plasma glass...ok...everything put into the right place and fire ! Cool : now you see in front of the plastics all the flashes firing around in the background and another nice mod was finished ! :-)
1x Plasma glass
1x bracket
1x set of cables
Installation Time : 10 minutes
André Banderas