Pinball Modding Group
Beaming your Pinball to another dimension

Monster Bash Wolfman Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
I know that there are already a lot of figures in the game and some people say that the pinball will be a little bit "overloaded" when adding additional figures. I mostly agree with them, but in that case, it was for us a must to include the Wolfman because the Wolfman has its own mode, own animations and own sounds...I just felt that something is missing here and that was the reason to search again for a figure which would fit into the gameplay...and finally I found that one. This figure fits very well into the gameplay and will also be animated via white led eyes. That project was a cooperation with my dear colleague Klaus Wolf from wolfsoft : I found the figure and he implemented the led eyes. He then further modified the figure set by including a clear plastic where the wolfman is fixed on. I never used that plastic because in my opinion, it takes "something" away from the green colors.
The Wolfman kit consists of the following components :
1x wolfman figure with white led eyes
1x wiring harness
Installation Time : 10 minutes
André Banderas
Pirate copy of our Monster Bash Videos and photos
On Ebay in France, a user called "x-martini" copied our Monster Bash Wolfman Mod, and then used our photos and our video to present his mod, which is a breach of our copyright since he never asked us for permission. Please don´t fall for this guy since that has nothing to do with the Pinball Modding Group.
His uploaded video is here: http://youtu.be/q3clp08sl3U
Compare that to our Monster Bash Wolfman Mod Video.
We don´t have any problems if somebody recreates mods and we appreciate that since this will give fresh air into the modding scene. But stealing our videos and photos to promote his recreation is a just shame.
Monster Bash Moonlight Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
When you have a look at the backplastic right in the middle, then you will recognize that this area is very dark and the wonderful moon will not show off very well. This was the reason why we implemented behind the plastic a tube which lights up that area very well and you get a much better atmosphere ! In addition, we also used a second tube which we placed behind the tree. Effect : The tree is shining much more stronger and now you can see a face in that tree, which looks to the wolfman !
The moonlight kit consists of :
2x CCFL tubes
1x wire harness
1x fix set
Installation Time : 8 minutes
André Banderas
Monster Bash Creature Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
The "Creature from the black lagoon" monster is hidden under the playfield and will only be visible when you shoot in the water whole or the mode is running. So there is really no need to add an extra figure for that. But when I did my research on the internet for modding parts, I saw that figure and I just loved it, because it fulfills all requirements what we have for a figure :
1. It fits into the scene
2. the size of the figure is great
3. it can include special effects
That was the reason why I had to buy it ! The figure has 2 leds inside, which are connected to the first bulb from the top behind the figure. This means that when this bulb is flashing because you are just one shot away from starting the creature mode, then the 2 leds will also start to flash. When the mode is running, all lamps behind the creature are flashing and thats the reason why then also the figure is constantly flashing...just cool !
For easy installation, the creature is fixed on a plastic and the plastic itslef will be fixed on the playfield, so its very easy to install !
The Monster Bash Creature Mod kit consists of :
1x Creature figure with 2 leds inside on a plastic
1x wire harness
Installation time : Around 10 minutes
André Banderas
Monster Bash Pyramid Mod
Gaming Play Score: 9.5
The upper right corner area is very empty, compared to other places on that pinball and I wanted to change that. When I had a very detailed look to that area, I saw some elements which could be used for a mod : I see on the plastics the sand, a snake, small radio and a pyramid...I already saw a mod where they took a snake with an led in the mouth and eyes and put it into that corner....to be honest, I also had that idea long before and we also already experimented with a snake, but we never found a snake which has the correct size for that area...the snake mod which you can buy is - in our opinion - way too big and takes too much away from the backplastic image. So we needed to have something else...
One time I was in a souvenir shop and saw a fantastic looking pyramid in a crystal design....wow..."that’s it man", I thought and bought it. Arrived back home, I started to do the first tests and they were just great : the size was perfect and it fitted superb to the pyramid what you see in the background. The result is that you will get a 3D effect like the cactus figure in the figure set for the Cactus Canyon pinball !! But I also added a flickering LED into that pyramid and because it’s a crystal pyramid, the light is reflecting everywhere, which is just great !
At the beginning, the led was always on when you turned on the pinball, but for the Monster Bash pinball, I followed a little bit another strategy : why should all mods already be on ? Wouldn’t it be nicer when the player has to activate the corresponding mod ? Yes ! Good idea so Domino used a switch, which is connected to the coil of the mummy...so only when you get the mummy mode, then the pyramid will start to flicker, which perfectly fits to the whole scene...so enjoy ! :-)
The pyramid mod consists of the following :
1x crystal orange pyramid
1x wiring harness
1x switch
Installation Time : 10 minutes
André Banderas